Crayola & Commit2Kids & Art Gallery of Ontario
Problem: Family's tend to care more about their perceived integrity and possible embarrassment than they do about the trauma from sexual abuse experienced by the children.
Insight: Children sexual abuse can be seen without seeing the actual act. Children communicate through drawings/scribbles.
Idea: Showcase art from sexually abused children that depicts their trauma and allows people to hear what they’re saying without the need for words.
Execution: Crayola Pop Up Art Exhibit
Screaming Scribbles is an exhibition that will be set up in the Art Gallery of Ontario. It features works of art that depict signs of sexual abuse undergone by the children who drew them. When words could not express what they went through, a blank page and Crayola did the talking.
The proceeds from the $5 entrance fee will be donated to Commit2Kids.

Brand: Crayola & Commit2Kids & Art Gallery of Ontario
Campaign: Screaming Scribbles
Art Director/Designer: Paola Gómez Witt
Copywriter: Reem Khaled