Problem: With the rise in popularity of fast fashion brands, our landfills are filling up with low-quality fabric and take as long as 200 years to decompose. Our planet is getting polluted by more and more unnatural materials all the time. Xbox wants to start an initiative that aims to reduce the impact of fast fashion on our environment.
Insight: Trends are shifting and consumers are demanding more ethical goods and 95% of textiles can be recycled and repurposed and reused.
Idea: Deadstock is not actually dead. Xbox will buy "deadstock" from fast fashion companies. We will repurpose it to create Xbox consoles since they're made of primarily plastic. It will be a limited edition collection, where it all will be made out of those materials.


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Thank you card
Brand: Xbox
Campaign: Deadstock is not Dead
Art Director/Designer: Paola Gómez Witt